ConfusionTableR has made it to CRAN

In my dusty GitHub repository, sitting there, was a gem of a tool for tidying the outputs of a machine learning classification model into a record and row-level view for storage in databases.

It has taken me time to get this to CRAN, as the dreaded closure, not subsettable, plagues me on the CRAN checks in devtools for many months. I have now had time to get to the bottom of these issues and now it is available for download on CRAN. Yippee! I am really excited about this one. It joins the growing list of packages I have created, or as my friend Chris Mainey tweeted:

This package joins the list of other packages now available on CRAN:

  • NHSDataDictionaRy – a webscraping tool to get key NHS lookups and to perform web scraping on a number of unrelated websites
  • OddsPlotty – a package to visualise the outputs of a logistic regression model, in TidyModels and caret, as odds ratios and on a odds plot
  • FeatureTerminatoR – a package to eliminate redundant features in machine learning models
  • NHSRDatasets – a package of curated NHS datasets for different analytical problems.

How do I use the new package?

I have made a tutorial Youtube video to show how to use the package. This video is available below:

Resources to support this video:

What’s next?

I plan to build this package out even further, as there are global variable importance charts I want to integrate into the tool. I also want to hook in the SQL writing solution in the package.

So watch out, as there is more in the ConfusionTableR space.

If you have a package or want some help getting a package funded, and work for health or social care, then the NHS-R community has what you need:

Signing off

This was a labour of love and getting it on to CRAN was the pinnacle. I think I have the R package submission bug now, as I crave writing packages when I have the PC switched off and I am dreaming of my next package idea. Perhaps I need help?

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